Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Stress not needed!!

Have you ever gone through a situation where you right in the middle of something you dont want to be in?! Oh my goodness! I am right there!! I hate when you have to deal with someone or something that is not ethical, not nice, and just plain out wrong!
I want to step away but at the same time belive that what is going on is wrong and need to help take care of it. Cant wait till my hubby is home to help out more!

My dad did find another horse!! YEAH! He is still so sad about losing Martha but seems to be happy about finding a new horse...I cannot wait to meet Mona!

On the flip side, D-man is doing awesome in his new school, really getting good at his karate and is getting more animated everyday.

Baby girl won a metal at gymnastics last week for her acomplishments. She told me it is because she has the best "Ta-Da"! Whatever the case I am proud of her and she really is accelerating.
Hello Summer Olympics of 2020! Medals

I am still trying to get used to D-man being in school until 3 in the afternoon! And now, our Baby Girl will be going to her second year of Preschool..what is this posible? Only one more year until both are in school full time..guess its time for me to go get that second degree I want!

Ok, dont ask what I want it in, but I am thinking about a BA in Criminal Justice. I would love to work as a profiler and learn all what makes someone do what they do. More of a sociology mixed in with criminal justice.

So I have to give huge props to people in my life...my sister who is almost done with her Doctorate and my friend Tisha that is going into the Grad program for Psychology. Both are moms, and persuing their dreams at the same time! Both are truly inspiring....and their husbands are great supporters...cant forget about them!

Monday, August 25, 2008

First day of school!

This is in the car on the way to his new school! He was so excited but at the same time a bit scared so Bananas had to accompany him! It was so cute to see him step out of the car with his Nemo backpack and lunch pail holding a monkey dressed up as a surfer...I cherish these times as they are going to go by so fast!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Book of Me page

I was asked over at Allyscraps to come up with a prompt for the Book of Me. Here is the prompt I came up with:
Since the Olympics have been going on, I have been thinking about how many proud people are out there that are going to watch someone they care about compete..so it got me thinking and I want to know when you have been the most proud of yourself. Did you accomplish a dream, a goal, stop or start something, whatever it is tell us about it!
My proudest moment was when I knew I had to marry my husband! So my journaling reads:
SO Proud of ME!
So proud of myself for listening to my heart and becoming your wife!
Sounds a little different for the proudest moment of my life, since I do have two wonderful kids, a degree, and am a Stay at home MOM but I couldnt imagine doing all of that without my husband by myside. For those that know me, you know how hard Richard and I made things for each other in the beginning (wonder we ever got married Laugh ) but we pulled togther, had some big heart to hearts, made some serious changes and now we have been married almost five years!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Some love for Cousin Tom!

Yep, its true...these two love their cousin Tom! Silly faces and all!

A Salute for Daddy!

What is cuter that this? Dominic had to salute his daddy in a picture!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

50 Things I love!

This layout was to be about my favorite things but it ended up being the 50 things I love...and they are in no particular order!
Just a few things are: kisses from my husband, my kids, my parents, my siblings, Target, scrapbooking, photography, reading, coffee, my nices an nephews, my Jetta, bedtime, getting cards in the mail, flowers, suprises, getting my hair done, Christmas lights, baking, my kids laughter, decorating my house, horses, football...well, you get the picture!
Another great prompt from ALLYSCRAPS!
Today marks only one month till my husband comes home!!!! Yep, only 30 days until my hubby is back in my arms!! And no I cannot not wait, like a kid in a candy store!

Another one!

Just a quick layout of my husband...yep, I have been doing those alot lately. I guess that is what happens when he is gone for so long.
I told him that it looks like someone just ran over his puppy and my brother corrected me saying "No, that is him telling you that he is going to run over YOUR puppy!"
Love you baby!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Sad day for our family!

I know that most people have "fur babies" and couldnt imagine their life without them...well, for my family we have horses as our "fur babies". And this morning one of our babies had to be put to sleep. My dad's friend that lives at his ranch found his horse, Martha, out in the field with a leg broken in two places, we called the Vets son, who was someone that had been around Martha and could handle him and he called us to say that there was nothing that could be done and he would take care of it for my dad. We all know what "take care of" means when you are talking about animals.
Martha, a boy with a girls name as the grandkids say, was a very special horse to my dad and our family. He was given to my dad from a great friend, Martha, before she passed away from cancer. So while Martha was a bit of a stink to the rest of us, he was a great horse to my dad. And my dad was very proud of him; they were amazing together. My dad was even asked to by a photographer to ride Martha so he could photograph them.
So yes, today is a sad day for our family...I truly thank my dads friends Lane and Drew for taking care of things for my dad, as this is not easy for anyone to handle...
Now off to comfort the kids as they loved all of Boppa's horses!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

My last travel adventure!

This layout was for a Prompt for My Book of Me at Allyscraps. For me, my last travel was to see my husband graduate from Boot Camp at Fort Jackson, South Carolina. I was more than happy to do this page and was so amazed at how short of a time it took me! I love my husband and had to share this wonderful travel for me!
My journaling reads:
July 9,2008, Fort Jackson has been my latest travel. I flew from Sacramento to San Francisco to D.C. to Columbia just to see him! I would never regret this trip, he made me so proud!
As he graduated boot camp on the 11th of July he made us an Army family.
South Carolina was so beautiful, the people were so nice and the humidity was totally new to me. BUT, I loved it there for the short time I was there!
Next time I want to visit Myrtle Beach and maybe Charleston.
I am telling ya, The Palmetto State made a good impression on me!