Sunday, November 15, 2009


My beautiful babies in their school pics!

I am such a proud Momma!!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

My Prince Charming!!

Yep, isnt he wonderful?
And handsome?
And he is all mine!!

Beautiful Belle & Brave Bumblebee

The kids had a great Halloween this year! They enjoyed going trick or treating as much as they did handing out the candy to their "customers"!
Aren't they just so cute??!!??

Friday, October 23, 2009

My SSK Girls!!!

Yes, you read that title right, my SSK girls! This is my group of scrappy girls. Some of us met on a message board or two, were friends in life but there is no doubt that we were meant to be friends!
We all bring something different to the table scrappy wise and life wise...and we have an incredible time together.
I am so thankful for this group of would just not be the same!
And I have to thank my wonderful husband for taking care of everything for me while I was gone having my girls weekned!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Changes, changes, changes....

It seems this family is going through the changes lately...nothing bad! I am getting used to having both of my babies in school and the extra work that takes, working 12 hours a week, being at the school three times a day instead of two and Richard working more and more.
Both kids are playing soccer and are loving it!! Cayleanna scored her first goal two weeks ago and Dominic was so close at two different times I thought they went in and was cheering! Oh well, everyone just assumed I was cheering for him no matter what!
In two short weeks, I will be in Sacramento with my SSK girls!! I cannot wait to hit the Scrapbook Expo with them and then scrap the day and night away. Love those girls and getting together once a year just isnt enough!

My mom's foot is healing after her crazy surgery this summer...I am healed up from mine as well.

We took the kids to Disneyland this summer for the first time. I celebrated my 30th birthday there..only my second time being there! We had a great time but I could so do without the crowds and crazy people running you over. It was good we had the stroller for Cayleanna because she was getting trampled at times.
The best rides according to the kids were the roller coasters! They could not get enough of them and had NO DESIRE to go on any of the "baby rides"! Well, look who thinks they are something!

It was a bit hard for me to turn idea why. Maybe thinking about all the things that I wanted to have accomplished by now but sitting back and "looking" at it more, I am where I am supposed to be. One day I will have my shot to do what I want and to travel where I want to travel but for right now, I am supposed to be wife and mom....

Monday, June 22, 2009


It has been a crazy week of working on the house....we painted and put up a border in Richard's "man room", put a border up in the kitchen, got paint for the downstairs bathroom, rearranged the living room, cleaned up my scrap room, got all my decorations for Christmas and Thanksgiving arranged, hung up tons of pictures, etc. and ended the week with explorative surgery.
Yes, you heard that right surgery...I was to have a hysterectomy but my insurance thought that it would be better for me to have this explorative surgery to see if my doctor was really telling the truth about what I have....and guess what........he was RIGHT!! So I have to have another surgery....ok, lets pray that the insurance approves me having a hysterectomy..I dont want to live with this adenomyosis anymore.
Adenomyosis is described as: a condition that occurs when the cells that normally line the uterus grow into the muscular tissue of the uterine wall. Its painful and not fun for me or the family to deal with..
My mom took the kids with her for a week so I have time to recover and get a few more things done around the house. I am hoping that I can get into that scrap room and have some fun! ALso, I am hoping to have a date with my husband and go see a movie!

Friday, June 12, 2009

I cannt belive that it as been two months since I have blogged anything! ACK! I got so wrapped up in Dominic's school that I just totally forgot about most everything on the web!
We are finally starting to settle in to the house and staring to get it all arranged how we want...

Dominic finished his first grade year and Cayleanna is going to be going into Kindergarden! I cannot believe where the time has gone!

I have not been able to scrap too much but I was able to get this layout done for National Scrapbook Day...its me and my sis in 1983 0r 84...
Used Sassafrass or this layout!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Easter was great this year! We had a wonderful morning hanging out at home playing with what the Easter Bunny brought before we headed over to Aunt Candice's house for dinner and more egg hunting.
The smiles on the kids faces, the laughter, the absolute joy written all over them makes all the hard work worth it.

They truly are the best thing about me and the best thing I have ever done!

Monday, March 23, 2009

A new family member!!

This last Saturday we went and got a dog from a man that was just not able to take care of him anymore....
It was love at first sight for all of us and we are all adjusting to having a dog. Dominic is doing great with him and is starting to understand why he had to be a little bit older to have a dog and what responsibility means....
Shadow is adjusting to us as well, it will take time but we very happy!! He is definatly loving all the attention and walks he has been getting!
And what they say about a boy and his dog is so true!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

AAAAACCCKKK!!! I was tagged!!

So my wonderful and talented friend Susan tagged me about a week or so ago and I just now saw I better do it or she will be on me like bees on honey!!!!

Rules: It's harder than it looks! Copy your own note, erase my answers, enter yours, and randomly tag 10 people (including me). Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real... nothing made up! If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question.Have Fun!!!!!Whew... Here goes:)
1. What is your name: Callie Jean
2. A four Letter word: Cool
3. A Boy's Name: Colton
4. A Girl's Name: Cayleanna
5. An occupation: carpenter
6. A Color: cobolt blue
7. Something you wear: cuff links
8. A Food: cookies
9. Something found in the Bathroom: conditioner
10. A Place: Calistoga
11. A Reason for being late: car wont stop
12. Something you Shout: CUT IT OUT!!!
13. A Movie Title: Care Bears
14. Something you Drink: cold water
15. A Musical Group: Coldplay
16. An Animal: cat
17. A Street Name: Creekside Lane
18. A Type of Car: Caravan
19. Something Scary: cougars
20. Ice Cream Flavor: chocolate chip

Now I am tagging:
Anyone!!!! If you want to do it....then do it!
It is harder than you think....just do it!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Someone turned five!!

Our sweet little girl turned 5 this last week! She is so excited to hold up a whole hand when asked how old she is!!!

She was so excited to have her best little girfriends over, her Nana come down and of course pink candles on her star cupcakes!

Time has truly flown by and I am proud to say that I will be that mom that is crying when she drops her "baby" off at Kindergarden....I have truly loved the time at home with her!

Monday, January 26, 2009

They say Thursday...

Is the day that we will get the keys to our house! I am just praying that they are not wrong! I am so excited about getting the keys in my hand!
Richard and I truly have worked so hard for this, not unlike anyone else, so we are very proud of ourselves for making this step in our lives. We have fallin in love with this area so much that we want to raise our kids here...what more can you ask for?

I have to say....I have never been so excited to actually get out the paint brush and get some paint in my hair! I cannot wait till I have my own scraproom and yes it will be in the color PURPLE!! The creative juices will be flowing....

Monday, January 12, 2009

Pics of our house!!!

Master bedroom looking into the bathroom

My tub!!!
Half of the kitchen...the inspector was in the other half and said "he wasnt in the picture mood". LOL

Formal family room, dinning room and the butlers pantry.

Staircase as you walk in...
All the inspections on Friday went wonderfully!!! Besides one or two broken sprinkler heads there is not a thing wrong with the house! We are so excited about moving, almost the whole house is packed and the poor kids have hardly anywhere to play. They are ok with it since they know if two weeks, they will have their own room and PLENTY of space to play.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Tomorrow is the day..

for inspections at the house we are buying. I am so nervous and excited and stressed and every emotion under the sun.
The home is only 3 years old so I really am not anticipating any problems but you never know. Think positive thoughts for us!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

House for us!!

Yep we are buying a house! This process has taken us over two years to get to! We have been looking for a house to buy off and on since we moved here. Prices have been to high, then everything was getting gobbled up, we were outbid, the list goes on and on....but finally we are i contract for a house and are doing all inspections this Friday! We are super excited!

Heres a pic of the outside!!!!
Wish us luck! And now off to pack more boxes..gald I will never have to do that again...told Hubby I was never leaving!!

Isnt coffee just wonderful?! Put some grounds and water into this lovly maching and Viola! Out comes this inticing aroma and this wonderfully smooth drink....aaahhh and hear that? Silence, yep, love enjoying my coffee in utter silence around me so that I can just sit at my computer drink away and catch up on all my favorite people in cyber space!

Friday, January 2, 2009

A gentle fairwell

to 2008 that is...
It was a year of many changes, challenges and triumph's for this family. Our son graduated from Kindergarten, our daughter was bumped up in gymnastics, my loving husband joined the Army Reserve and I became stronger. I felt a love for my husband so deep that I was amazed by it. It has shaken me to my core and made me so happy.
This year, I have made many new friends and thankfully I have not lost any. My friendship with few has grown stronger and I think of them as my family here. It is amazing how motherhood can allow you to create such an amazing bond with others.
I still think of those that I have lost, those I didnt get to know, those I wanted to know more. I think of my best friends that do not live near me and wish that with the snap of my finger we all can be together again. But there is a time and a place for everything and only God knows why things happen the way they do.
I have hopes for this new year...2009. Richard and I have dreams for this year; ones we feel are worth working hard for and struggling to get!
I pray for those friends of mine that are hurting right now, those that have found their way, those struggling to find an answer & obtain something special to them. I pray for my siblings for they all have a journey of their own they are on, for my parents that they continue to be happy and healthy and for my nieces and nephews that they grow up to understand the love around them and cherish each other.
I wish for my children to continue to grow and amaze me, to understand the love their father and I have for them, and to still love us unconditinally.
For my husband I hope for him continued success at his career, for his advancement in the Army and for him to always feel the love I have for him.
And for me, I pray that all of my wishes and prayer for those I love come true.
May 2009 bring you many blessings, smiles, laughter, and anything your heart is wanting.