Monday, June 22, 2009


It has been a crazy week of working on the house....we painted and put up a border in Richard's "man room", put a border up in the kitchen, got paint for the downstairs bathroom, rearranged the living room, cleaned up my scrap room, got all my decorations for Christmas and Thanksgiving arranged, hung up tons of pictures, etc. and ended the week with explorative surgery.
Yes, you heard that right surgery...I was to have a hysterectomy but my insurance thought that it would be better for me to have this explorative surgery to see if my doctor was really telling the truth about what I have....and guess what........he was RIGHT!! So I have to have another surgery....ok, lets pray that the insurance approves me having a hysterectomy..I dont want to live with this adenomyosis anymore.
Adenomyosis is described as: a condition that occurs when the cells that normally line the uterus grow into the muscular tissue of the uterine wall. Its painful and not fun for me or the family to deal with..
My mom took the kids with her for a week so I have time to recover and get a few more things done around the house. I am hoping that I can get into that scrap room and have some fun! ALso, I am hoping to have a date with my husband and go see a movie!

Friday, June 12, 2009

I cannt belive that it as been two months since I have blogged anything! ACK! I got so wrapped up in Dominic's school that I just totally forgot about most everything on the web!
We are finally starting to settle in to the house and staring to get it all arranged how we want...

Dominic finished his first grade year and Cayleanna is going to be going into Kindergarden! I cannot believe where the time has gone!

I have not been able to scrap too much but I was able to get this layout done for National Scrapbook Day...its me and my sis in 1983 0r 84...
Used Sassafrass or this layout!