Monday, May 5, 2008

Shipped Out!

Today Richard shipped out to boot camp! It was a tearful good bye as the kids just then realized that daddy was not coming home with us. Our son is definatly taking it the hardest but I think that is to be expected. Before he left he gave the kids each their own Dog tag with the Cubs logo on it. They were excited to have them and have said they are going to wear them everyday!

Keep Richard in your thoughts and Prayers! He is doing a wonderful thing for us, his family. He has told me that once he gets home, I get to go back to school to get my Masters or another degree. For that, I am very excited!
So today, I officially became an Army wife...that is incredibly odd to say!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your kids are super cute! And I love your dd using the revolution. So how are you adjusting this week without the DH? I'm here for you if you need to talk!!!